Building Skills for Collaboration
Crisis and disruption have always created windows of opportunity to make real change in the ways that we, as a Jewish community, do business. As we move through the third year of the COVID era, the need for collaboration could not be greater. Over the course of the pandemic we’ve witnessed extraordinary levels of cooperation and partnership. We have a significant opportunity to continue this momentum to strengthen our commitment to working together in pursuit of our common aims and collective interests. To build the skills we need to work together in new ways across teams and organizations. Not mine, but ours.
If deep collaboration were easy, we would all be doing it adeptly already. Obstacles include differing norms and cultures, competing interests and priorities, unclear paths for managing shared projects, resource constraints, commitment to the way things have “always” been, difficulty giving feedback, and more.
Workshops, and all learning opportunities at JPro22, will enable participants to build skills at four levels at which collaboration takes place: personal; interpersonal; organizational; and interorganizational.
Note: There will be two workshop sessions at JPro22, and most workshops will run during both timeslots, enabling you to “mix and match” your learning with the greatest possible flexibility. JPro22 will also offer “Encore" workshops: each workshop session will be offered live online, one additional time, during the two months following the conference. An “All-Access” pass to Encore Workshops is included as part of JPro22 registration. (Members of the field may register for Encore Workshops at a fee - learn more at
Conference attendees do NOT need to register for workshops in advance!
Personal/Bein Adam L'atzmo
Between a Person and Themself
All effective collaboration requires individuals who are motivated and equipped to work with others and able to balance their roles as individual contributors with their roles as team members. JPro22 will offer myriad opportunities to explore and develop those skills and dispositions.

Time Management
Diana Bloom, Accountability Consultant

Identity Anxiety
Sandra (Chap) Chapman, Ed. D. and Jess MacFarlane
Interpersonal/Bein Adam L'Chavero
Between a Person and their Fellow Person
All effective collaboration begins with a face-to-face encounter between human beings, panim el panim. JPro22 will cultivate tools and dispositions to ensure that those interactions — especially in light of power dynamics — are meaningful, respectful, and productive.

Conflict Management
Beth Fisher-Yoshida, PhD, CCS, Fisher Yoshida International, LLC, CEO & President

Giving and Receiving Feedback
Deborah Grayson Riegel

Team Building
Faun Zarge
Organizational/Kavod haTzibur
Honor for the Community
Effective collaboration does not happen in a vacuum. It depends on an enabling environment that includes systems, structures, processes, and culture that enable and support people to work with one another effectively. JPro22 will help professionals — from early-career to senior executive — understand, create, and promote these systems, structures, processes, and cultural norms in their organizations.

Psychological Safety
Amy Born and Danielle Natelson

Managing Across Differences
Imani Chapman and Franny Silverman

Planning and Leading Meetings
Mamie Kanfer Stewart

Agile Transformation
Michael Sahota & Audree Sahota, Founders, Shift314
Interorganizational/Kavod haTzibur
Honor for the Community
The most critical challenges we confront in the 21st Century — climate change, the survival of democracy, inequity, racism and antisemitism, and others — will require collaboration across organizations, fields, and even sectors. JPro22 will provide opportunities to explore myriad tools and approaches for navigating collaboration among organizations and across fields, because we know it’s going to take all of us.

Mergers and Partnerships
David Kaplan, Founder and CEO, Panoramic Strategy

Real Time Innovation
Bill Nottingham, Managing Partner of Nottingham Unlimited Ventures & CEO of InnovateNOW
Additional Skills

Online Fundraising
Emily Goodstein, Greater Good Strategy

Candid Profile
David Holmes, Candid

Philanthropy and Racial Equity
Gabi Kuhn and Arya Marvazy

Andrea Wasserman
There will be two workshop sessions at JPro22, giving conference attendees the opportunity to attend two workshops. Most of the workshops will run during both workshop timeslots, enabling participants to “mix and match” their learning with the greatest possible flexibility. JPro22 will also offer “Encore" workshops: each workshop session will be offered live online, one additional time, during the two months following the conference. An “All-Access” pass to Encore Workshops is included as part of JPro22 registration. (Members of the field may register for Encore Workshops at a fee - learn more at